
NGT Datnoids for Sale and info about behavior, habitat and keeping them

Buy NGT Datnioides campbelli
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The New Guinea Datnoid, also known as Datnioides campbelli or NGT, is a stunning and fascinating species of freshwater fish that is native to the rivers and streams of New Guinea. With its distinctive appearance, unique behavior, and impressive size, the New Guinea Datnoid is a favorite among experienced fish enthusiasts.

The New Guinea Datnoid is a large fish, reaching up to 18 inches in length in the wild. They have a sleek and streamlined body, with a distinctively pointed head and a mouth filled with sharp teeth. Their body is a striking silver color, with distinctive black markings and speckles along their sides and dorsal fin. Their eyes are also particularly striking, with a bright orange-red color that stands out against their silver body.

The New Guinea Datnoid is a predatory fish, feeding on a wide variety of prey including fish, crustaceans, and insects. They are also known to be territorial, particularly during breeding season when they will defend their nesting sites aggressively. However, they are generally peaceful towards other fish and can be kept with other species as long as they are not too small to be considered prey.

The New Guinea Datnoid is native to the fast-flowing rivers and streams of New Guinea, where they can be found in deep pools and areas with strong current. They prefer clean and clear water with a neutral pH, and they require a spacious aquarium with plenty of hiding places and room to swim. In the wild, they are known to migrate upstream to spawn during the rainy season, and they will require specific conditions to reproduce in captivity.

Keeping New Guinea Datnoids in Aquariums:
Due to their large size and territorial nature, the New Guinea Datnoid requires a spacious aquarium of at least 150 gallons, with a strong filtration system to keep the water clean and clear. They require plenty of hiding places and open areas to swim, and their tank should be decorated with rocks, driftwood, and live plants to provide them with a natural environment. They also require a varied diet of live and frozen foods, including shrimp, worms, and small fish.

Overall, the New Guinea Datnoid is a stunning and fascinating species of freshwater fish that is well-suited for experienced fish enthusiasts who are looking for a unique and challenging addition to their aquarium. With their distinctive appearance, unique behavior, and impressive size, the New Guinea Datnoid is sure to be a conversation starter in any aquarium.

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