
Caribe Piranha also called the Black Spot Piranha

Buy Black Spot Piranha Pygocentrus cariba or the Caribe Piranha are large, vividly colored Piranha species found in the Orinoco basin in Colombia and Venezuela and Venezuela's extensive llanos region of South America.

The Caribe or Black Spot Piranha is typically found in shallow water habitat in large shoals. This aggressive and fast moving fish, is an omnivore but like most of its relatives prone to attack sick or wounded fish or in rare instances may attack large fish when food is scarce. In the freshwater aquarium, they should not be kept with any other tankmates, and maintaining a group can be challenging as they may attack and kill conspecifics of the school with little warning. Aggression aside, Caribe Piranha are hardy fish and not particularly demanding to care for in an appropriately large aquarium. Pygocentrus cariba should be fed a varied diet including some prepared foods containing vegetable or fruit matter.

Caribe Piranhas, also known as Red-Bellied Piranhas, are a species of piranha that are native to South America, including the Amazon Basin, Orinoco River, and Paraguay River. They are one of the most well-known and widely recognized species of piranha, and are often featured in popular culture and media.

Caribe Piranhas are omnivorous and feed on a wide variety of prey, including fish, crustaceans, insects, and even small mammals and birds. They are known for their sharp teeth and powerful jaws, which they use to catch and consume their prey. They are also known to scavenge on carcasses and other organic matter.

Caribe Piranhas can grow to be quite large, with some individuals reaching up to 12 inches in length. They have a distinctive appearance, with a silver body and bright red or orange belly. This bright coloration is thought to serve as a warning to other fish and predators, indicating that the Caribe Piranha is a dangerous and potentially lethal predator.

One of the characteristics that sets Caribe Piranhas apart from other piranha species is their schooling behavior. They are social fish and are often found in large groups, or schools, in their natural habitat. This behavior is thought to provide protection from predators and also helps the fish to locate and capture prey more efficiently.

In comparison to other piranha species, Caribe Piranhas are considered to be one of the more aggressive and territorial species. They are often kept in aquariums by experienced fish enthusiasts, but they require a large and well-maintained tank, and should only be kept with other fish species that can withstand their aggressive behavior.

Overall, Caribe Piranhas are a fascinating and iconic species of piranha. Their distinctive appearance, sharp teeth, and schooling behavior make them a popular choice among experienced fish enthusiasts, but they require specialized care and should only be kept by those who are familiar with their specific needs and behavior.

Common names or references of this piranha are Caribe Piranha, Pygocentrus cariba, Orinoco Piranha, Capaburro and the Black Spot Piranha.

What is the maximum size of the Caribe Piranha?

The maximum size of the Caribe Piranha is approximately 16 inches with specimen larger than 12" as rare in the home aquarium.

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