
Tetragonopterus argenteus CareSheet

Tetragonopterus argenteus is a bigger growing characin found across most of the Amazon and Orinoco basins, however it is quite rare in the aquarium hobby. These tetras are an excellent dither fish for medium-sized South American Cichlids due to their size and assertive temperament. Because they are easily disturbed and inclined to leap out if given the chance, their tank should be kept closely covered.

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Origin: Wild Colombia
Locale: Amazon River outside Leticia
Diet: Omnivore and micropredator, will accept almost all frozen and prepared foods
Adult Size: 5"
Recommended Tank Size: 30 gallons
Compatibility: Peaceful, but may intimidate smaller or slower-swimming tankmates. Best kept with similarly sized or larger fish.
Preferred Water Parameters
pH: 6.5 - 7.2
Temp: 76-82F
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
Nitrate: 30ppm