
Silver Arowana Life Span (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum)

Buy Silver Arowana Arowanas are primordial fish relatives and are frequently referred to as "bony-tongued fish." "Bicirrhosum" means "two barbels," and "osteoglossum" means "bony tongue." For more information click here to learn about Silver Arowana Care Requirements and Tank Selection for Hobbyists.

The fish's mouth is located at the top of its body and opens in three sections. The jaw, palate, tongue, and throat are only a few of the oral bones that have teeth. Their bodies are covered with huge, pearly-silver scales. As the fish gets older, the scales become red, blue, and green. They have virtually merged dorsal and anal fins with the caudal fin. Males have a longer anal fin and are slenderer. At the lower jaw's extremity, arowanas have two barbells. Juveniles feature blue glints and a yellow-orange band, while adults are silver. Consider using Arowana LED lights to enchance the beauty of your Arowana fish.

Silver Arowana Size

Arowanas are large fish that may grow to be over 39 inches long (100 centimeters).

Silver Arowana Native Habitat

The Amazon drainage system, as well as the western Orinoco, Rupununi, and Essequibo systems in the Guianas, are home to arowanas. They reside in the Amazon's whitewater and blackwater floodplains. They are especially numerous in flooded places in both kinds of water.

Silver Arowana Food and Eating Habits

Arowanas are omnivorous, with a preference for surface feeding on fish. They may catch their prey while swimming from below due to the superior location of their mouth. They have a distinct predatory habit in which they lurk parallel to a felled tree before attacking prey, which generally entails springing out of the water. In low-hanging trees, they may capture huge insects, other fish, crabs, snails, snakes, and small birds. For an alternative to live foods consider supplementing the arowana diet with prepared foods such as cichlid pellets, carnivore sticks, freeze dried krill and freeze dried earthworms.

Silver Arowana Reproduction and Development

Arowanas often spawn in December and January, during the start of the flood season. A tiny percentage of big eggs are produced by females. The eggs, larvae, and early juveniles are carried in the mouths of males until the yolk sac is absorbed, which takes approximately two months.

Arowanas under human care have survived to be over ten years old.

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